Slideshows - what do you guys use to view your pictures?

Just wondering. What I like to do it load up Webshots. I make a new category for each girl, so I can check or uncheck whatever girls I want to see. Sometimes I just throw it on random, sit back, and... well, you know the rest.

Anyway, I was just wondering how you guys view your pictures.

I've used PowerPoint, but that kinda sucks - you can't play with the order, or sort it by babes, etc.

Oh, sorry if this is in the wrong forum! :(
I would publically tell you what program I use, but I'm afraid that I shouldn't advertise here without permission. Mind if I PM ya and tell?
pi314 said:
I would publically tell you what program I use, but I'm afraid that I shouldn't advertise here without permission. Mind if I PM ya and tell?

Not at all.

I apologize if I wasn't supposed to mention Webshot...:(
whoa here,

we mention sites that rock and those that suck there was even a thread mentioning 20 different types of lube im sure the people at johnson&johnson and merck and procter and gamble didnt mind their products mentioned.

whats the point of me coming on here if we cant have an open and honest discussion of which porn site, lube or photo sorting software is the best.

unless i dont know some special rule that only applies to software and not comparing and or astroglide vs. ky please let us know mods. in the mean time yes please do post your favorite 150 photo software programs and rate each one 1-10 for us. ! im here to learn kemosabes

i have always sorted by folder on the desktop and then used picture viewer slideshow to run them through in full screen mode. only thing that sucks is that they fit to screen when some of these pics are nice and huge, i have used powerpoint but same shrinkage deal ive seen places online u can upload ur pics and run a slideshow but for dial ups that could suck some.
besides the movies are better if not for all the virus crap on kazzaa and like outfits now.

rattle them off guys, compare and contrast is what this board was built for wasn't it?

compupic pro.

just a thought with respect I'd find it funny if a image app maker got upset about their app being mentioned as the app of choice.??

steef said:
me too, best program ever. I've been using the same old version for something around 7 years now and I'm still content like a baby with a brand new pacifier... or a freeones board member when getting that long awaited reply to subscription :)
I've got a program called 'pictures to exe' (catchy title),
but it's quite good, I can cobble together a load of pics , add some music (The Stripper - David Rose Orchestra, is best) and make a standalone exe or screensaver.